The State of Kuwait has signed several memorandums of understanding in the field of scientific and technical cooperation with standardization bodies:
1 | Syrian Arab Standards and Metrology Organization | 12/4/1994 | SASMO |  |
2 | Egyptian Organization for Standards & Quality | 23/11/1998 | EOS |  |
3 | Jordan Standards and Metrology Organization | 23/6/2002 | JSMO |  |
4 | The Institute of Standards & Industrial Research of Iran | 7/6/2005 | ISIRI |  |
5 | Turkish Standards Institution | 30/3/2008 | TSE |  |
6 | Institut national de la normalisation et de la propriété industrielle | 20/12/2010 | INNORPI |  |
7 | Ministry of Industry Trade Investment and Digital Economy | 23/5/2013 | RMICNT |  |
8 | Central Organization for Standardization and Quality Control | 22/12/2015 | COSOC |  |