​The work Team assigned by the Technical committee or the Sup committee (or the member state in charge of the project) to prepare the initial draft, then electronically uploading it to the PAT ̓ S website then to the secretary of the concerned committee to present to the members of the committee to reach an agreement on the initial Draft standard (DS).

The Secretariat of the committee or the Sup committee prepares the initial Draft (DS) that was agreed upon by the committee in accordance to Claus No. (1) The (DS) will then be uploaded to the projects section on the website to make it available to the committee ̓ s members with the report of the main references used to prepare (DS). A historical presentation of the (DS) , the (DS) goals , and the technical justifications of the (DS) Al the same time , the (DS) will be listed on the PAI web site on the (specifications projects in the distribution phase) section , to allow the different agencies to send their nets on the (DS) during the period of time specified for this purpose .

The (DS) and the notes received will studies by the members using the electronic committees system. Comments and visuals will be submitted during a specified period of the time an order to express opinions and reach an agreement from most of the working members of the technical committee. Technical notes will be submitted by using the electronic form used for this purpose. ​

After obtaining the agreement from most of the working members of the technical committee, the secretariat of the committee must receive the final edition of the (DS) with in low months. This final edition will be uploaded with the illustrations, and the original graphs (or clear copy) will be presented on the forum in a detailed report that includes a historical presentation of the (DS) and a report on how an agreement was obtained from the majority of the members or a manuscript of the results of the voting and detailed statement on the unresolved technical objections.

The Secretariat of the committee will and it the (DS) and the illustrative report to make sure of their compatibility with the technical work evidence issued by the PAI , after registering it as a final Draft Standard (FDS) . It will then be distributed the forum of the General committee to all the Standardization bodies of the member countries to gain their approval inured to present it to the General committee then the Technical Council to complete the certification procedures. The Standardization bodies will reply as the following.
Approval of the technical context of the (FDS) (private comments can be sent in drafting and others can sent in attachment).

Disapproval of the (FDS) for reasons that will be clarified.

If an international standard specification was adopted. It will be distributed once as a (DS) for two months, then it will be referred to the standards General committee as a (FDS) to complete the certification procedures.

In the case where no Technical Committee existed, a specification issued by an international organization or a national Standardization bodies, as GSO standard specification by as follows:

A proposal made by one of the GCC Standardization bodies or one of the GCC Technical Committee or the Technical Council  or the General Standardization by using the section (A proposal for a new project) on the website.

The General Secretariat will circulate the international standard specification that they wish to adopt (in the original language) as a final Draft Standard (FDS) to the national Standardization bodies to vote on in accordance with the clause no. (5).​

The board of director's approval on the GSO standard specification:

​After circulating the (FDS) distributed to be voted on. After the result vote show that most of the technical Committee working members and two third of the participating members of the Standardization bodies vote in agreement to the (FDS), the General Secretariat will inform the Secretariat of the Technical committee with these and the comments received from the members Standardization bodies. At the same time the working members of the technical Committee will be in formed with these results. 

The Secretariat of the technical Committee (in the goose of receiving notes) will do the following:
- Preparing a report on the action taken in response to the technical notes and other major notes received from the member Standardization bodies (as well as other organizations and unions) to underline the reasons that prevented from taking some suggestion when needles. 
- Preparing the revised text of the (FDS).
- The revised text will the report (mentioned above) to the General Secretariat.
- The General Secretariat will present both the (FDS) and the board of directors’ recommendations to the technical council to be approved as a standard specification and ogre to send the technical regulations to the technical council to the technical Council to be approved.
- The General Secretariat will send the technical Regulation projects after it has been approved by the technical Council to the board of directors.
- The General Secretariat will add the cantered GSO Standard Specification / technical regulations to electronic GSO Standard Specification Catalog.​