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​​​​In the field of international cooperation:

The International and Technical Relations Department seeks to develop relations and cooperation with similar bodies abroad and represent Kuwait in regional and international organizations, bodies, conferences and meetings. Kuwait has joined the following organizations:

​​#​Name of Organization​​​Date​ of JoiningType of Membership​​AbbreviationOrgani​​zation Logo​
​1International Organization for Standardization​​25/2/1966​Working Member​ISO
2​Arab Industrial Development and Mining Organization​26/6/1966​Working Member​ADMO
3GCC Standardization Organization​​1982​Working Member​GSO
4International Organization of Legal Metrology​​23/4/1982​Associate Member​OIML
5World Trade Organization​​1/1/1995​Working Member​WTO
6American Society for Testing and Materials​​26/6/2012​Working Member​ASTM
7​International Electro technical Commission​19/8/2016​Working Member​IEC